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Politique de cookies

A cookie is a file that is downloaded onto your computer when you access certain websites. Among other things, cookies allow a website to store and recover information on the browsing habits of a user or their device. Depending on the information contained and the manner in which the user employs their device, they may be used to recognize the user. Cookies are essential for the proper operation of the Internet, and they provide innumerable advantages in the provision of interactive services, making browsing and using our website easier to use.

According to what is established in Article 22.2 of Law 34/2002, of June 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), HOTELS SUAU SA must inform users of the cookies used on our website:

CookiesProcessed information
Strictly necessary
User session, profile details.
Entry management and maintenance of the user session, personalization of browsing, load balance.
Analytics | Google Analytics
Websites visited, frequency, number and repetition of visits, browsing time, searches made, links accessed, browser used, operator providing the service, location linked to the IP address.
Measurement and analysis of user browsing, monitoring and analysis of user behavior, creation of anonymous user browsing profiles, integration of improvements based on the analysis of users’ usage data.

Google Inc. is a company participating in “Privacy Shield”, which guarantees that all the transferred information will be treated with a level of protection in accordance with European regulations. You may consult detailed information on this aspect by clicking on the following link:

If you so desire, you can use the Google Analytics opt-out plugin; by following their instructions, you can reject analytical cookies from this service in all browsers. You can find more information on this by clicking on the following link:

In addition, HOTELS SUAU SA informs users that they have the option of configuring their browser so that they are informed of the reception of cookies, allowing them to prevent these cookies from being installed on their hard drive if they wish.

Below, we provide links for different browsers that can be used to complete this configuration:

We use "Google Analytics" cookies to analyze our services and website activity in order to improve its content. To accept cookies, click "Accept". To reject them, click "Close". For more information or to choose the preferences, click "Configure".

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Programa Kit Digital, iniciativa del Gobierno de España. Cofinanciado por los Fondos Next Generation EU del Mecanismo de Recuperación y Resiliencia. Kit Digital